Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Welcome to the Edify Daily Blog

I set this Blog up on our 10th day of "seeing what God does" during the 31 days of October. There are 31 people around the United States praying and sending one hand written note card a day to the person the LORD lays on their heart. They pray for that person and write as the LORD leads them.

What happens after the 31 days? Only God knows. He has had this on my heart for 2 1/2 years now. He has been teaching valuable lessons during that time. One is to WAIT. Another to HEAR & OBEY.

God is looking for those to whom He can show Himself strong on their behalf. They are people with a loyal heart, attentive to His voice, and obey his commands.

Edify Daily is about building up the body of Christ. The recipients as well as those sending the notes are built up. Proverbs 11:25 says "he who waters will also be watered himself." It's really cool how this works.

I encourage you to share your thoughts.


  1. Lionel- Thanks for the encouragement. A hand written email worked for me. I am greatful for your encouragement and courage. I still have the note that you gave me over a year ago about perservering. God Bless.

  2. HI Lional!
    Bless you for your inspriation! Actions speak loader than words!
    I'mm emailing all my family and friends a message today! I save all my special notes.(for those down days when I need some uplifting)
