Friday, October 12, 2007


2 1/2 years ago while sitting in my van in the driveway with my wife Kristen we paused to pray and seek the LORD for a very important decision we were pondering. One we had no idea at the time would begin a stripping away of everything that was comfortable in our lives. We sat there crying out to God for direction. We asked for understanding because what He was telling us to do made no earthly sense. Matter of fact it seemed down right stupid. It made zero financial sense and would be a complete step of obedience in faith.

We sensed the LORD telling us for Kristen to leave her corporate well paying job. This had been on our hearts for about 6 months but we were at the place of decision. We needed to know this was really God. As we prayed the LORD spoke to us both strongly about faith. He showed us pictures during that hour & a half prayer time that I will never forget. It had a lot to do with water. He made it clear to us that He was telling us nothing of the future but that we had to take the step of faith, then He would show us in time. The crossing of the red sea came up, the crossing of the Jordan was brought to our attention, then He gave us each a vision at the same time that would change my life forever. Three years later I would grasp it’s full meaning and God would rock my world.

I was under the water looking up with my right arm stretched to it’s capacity. Fear flooded my mind as death was only moments away. I could see the sky through the water, but could not reach the surface. My arm was stretched out for help but no one was there. I was alone, I was scarred. I began to get dizzy as I was about to loose consciousness. All of the sudden This large arm shot down into the water. The hand gripped my arm, as I gripped His and I was thrust out of the water. As this happened I grasped the deepest breath into my lungs as I made this loud noise of receiving the air into my body. Even though I was seeing this as a vision, it was so real, I was taking the breath in the natural. I had been holding my breath while seeing the vision.

When I took that deep breath and made that noise, It jolted Kristen. She turned and said are you OK? I told her I just had a vision and explained it. Afterwards she told me, she too had a vision at the same time. She was under water and was able to breathe.

I have held this vision and pondered it for the past 2 years. Then about 6 months ago I was explaining it to a friend from Texas. As I explained the first part (my vision, not Kristen’s) he said he was saying in his mind, “Lionel, just breathe”. This is simple yet extremely profound. I had been living my life “holding my breath”. I would allow circumstances to overwhelm me and make me feel as though I was drowning. Fear would grip me, loneliness clutch me, and at times I was so afraid I would not even move.

The simple realization of breathing has changed my life, both in the natural and in the spirit. Holding my breath only causes delay. God was showing Kristen and myself that we can breath in impossible situations. Fear causes us to hold our breath. Over the past 3 years God has allowed me to live through some seemingly impossible situations. Things that cause men to take their lives over. Major pressures that many could not survive. God has been teaching me to breathe. Breathe in the Spirit. Rest in Him. Trust in Him. Things are never impossible with God. This is not a cliché, this is TRUTH.

In this time God has been raising up a ministry called Edify Daily. It will build up the body of Christ and raise up an army of believers that can breath under water, and are willing to be led by the Spirit of the Living God in such a way that mountains will be moved. We serve the same God as Elijah, Elisha, Moses & Joshua. The same power is available to us.

I encourage you right now to take as deep of a breath as you can. Then let it out slowly. Now realize where that comes from. That breath is a gift from God. How will you use it?

1 comment:

  1. I've heard it said a few time that fear and faith are mutually exclusive. We can't take a breath of faith and be gripped with fear. The last 4 years of my life been that struggle. Believing God for what looks impossible and doing my best to breathe. He has been faithful; it doesn't usually fit my time-table or look like what I have come up with in my mind. But He has been faithful. Thanks for the reminder to breathe.
