Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Edify Daily Vision part 1

In March of 2005 the LORD had led Kristen (my wife) and myself to make some major decisions that would forever change our lives and the way we viewed ministry and our life on this earth.

In April I started a company called Notes Handwritten as a marketing tool for small businesses. At this point Kristen had quit her corporate job and my job hand ended. Our finances were very low and no money was really coming in. Notes Handwritten was similar to Edify Daily as far as “note cards” go, but used as a marketing tool to help people connect with clients on a personal level. We had been running this business for about 3 months and the LORD said “for ministry”. I was not sure what that meant but assumed Notes Handwritten was also a ministry. By month 5 the LORD had given Kristen a vision of note cards being on the press with ¼ cards for Notes Handwritten and ¾ was a ministry card. We got really excited but did not really know what to do.

As I prayed about the MINISTRY cards and what that would look like the LORD brought the word EDIFY to my mind. I looked up the word as I did not really know the meaning. As I looked it up I learned it means to encourage or build up on a spiritual level. It has the idea of “stickiness” or has a lasting effect not just an emotion that can leave soon. So to edify someone is to say or doing something that builds them up in a spiritual or supernatural way that does not leave them quickly.

As I continued to pray and seek the LORD’s heart on this Edify thing, He made it clear to me that I was to start producing Note cards for the ministry side and not just for business. By this time I was so broke it was just pitiful. But the LORD made it clear that I was to print the cards. The format He showed me at that time was that people would send these cards out on a daily basis to EDIFY the body of Christ. During this season the main things the LORD was teaching us was to TRUST him and to REST in Him.

October 2005 the first Edify Daily card was produced and sent to the printers. That first card was “REST”. The LORD was teaching Kirsten and myself to REST in Him and wait patiently on Him. At the time I was not really doing a very good job at RESTING as I did not know how to or even what it really meant to REST in the LORD. But, He was about to teach us and give a peace like we have never known. I had no idea what would follow but we were in a place that all we could do was to respond to what we knew the LORD was telling us to do.

To be continued…


  1. Fun to catch up with you and see how everything started! I'll look forward to the continuation. Enjoy your writings.

    We have a great God, don't we?!

  2. Rest, hmm. Is that going to be a common theme with us, or are we just still needing the lesson?
