Monday, October 27, 2008

Time to Lay it down

For six months we created cards based on what the LORD was showing us. Each card has a key word on the front and a scripture that goes with it. On the back it says, by definition, then gives the definition of that word. Below are the cards by their words in order of the months they were created starting in 2005.

October…….. REST

November….. PERSEVERE




March……… MERCY

April……….. PASSION

WOW – an awesome thing just happened! I went down stairs to get one of each of the cards. I sorted though them and got all six. Then as I began looking on the back where the date is located I realized I was missing January. Hey Kristen, I said, are we are missing a card or did we not do one in January? She looked them all over and then BELIEVE Lionel, we are missing BELIEVE. Hmmm, that was an interesting one for me to miss. Anyway, it was an profound revelation to me. I had always thought we had done six months of cards, but we actually did SEVEN. I like that better. (ok – on with the story)

After April I was just wore out. The LORD had been teaching us real life lessons. I find it interesting that one of these words are not TRUST as that was one of the major things He was teaching us. Anyway, the very real life lessons stripped us to a very low place. At the time the LORD would not allow me to share much of what was going on. Only a few close people knew and they really only knew a portion of what we were going through. In June my family of six (four teenagers) moved into an 1100 square ft apartment. We had a huge garage sale and got ride of about 80% of our stuff. That was pretty freeing. A new lesson was about to begin. For 23 months the LORD would teach us about FAMILY, LOVE, GRACE, GRATITUDE, and maybe this is where the TRUST really began to grow. He taught us to WORSHIP, and to SEE as if we had been blind. FAITHFUL became a name of God. And in that little apartment I leaned to BREATHE. (Thank you LORD, thank you)

Whew, Ok… so after we had created the April card it became clear that we could not continue this. Long discussions with the LORD and between Kristen and I determined that it was time to lay it down. I knew deep in my heart that it was not over but now was not the time to continue on. It was a hard thing because I knew with all my heart that the LORD had stirred this up in me. I knew I was following His lead. I knew the vision was from Him. It felt a little like failure yet a lot like freedom to lay it down. My heart broke as we made the decision but I knew it was the right thing to do. There was no card created in May, or since PASSION. I honestly let it REST…until October first two thousand six.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

50,000 what?

By October 2005 we have been pretty much without income for 6 months. Then the LORD had told me to start printing cards for Edify Daily. I was pretty weak at the time. The LORD was saying to REST but I had no idea what it really meant to rest or TRUST the LORD much. I thought I did.

As I went to bed, I was praying myself to sleep and the Lord said 50,000. It was really random. 50,000 what? What does that mean? 50,000 note cards maybe? Wow, that’s a lot. I just said OK Lord, what every You want to do. I trust you with that.

In the morning I got up early and was sitting in my living room in front of the fire place reading the Word of God. I would, read and pray and read and pray and all the sudden one million comes to my mind. It was real random like the night before. What is that all about? Did I eat to much pizza? Am I making up numbers in my mind or what?

Now originally the sets of Edify Daily cards would be packaged 20 in each set. As I am asking the LORD what this million and 50,000 was all about I then realized that if there we 50,000 people sending 20 cards a month and that would be one million note cards going out each month. OH MY GOSH! That freaked me out. I think because I was so weak, I just started crying and said “I can’t do this LORD”. It just totally overwhelmed me. I called my friend Ryan Sugai and asked if we could meet and pray through something the LORD was showing.

We met a little while later for about 3 hours and just prayed and worshiped and talked it through. Ryan helped get me into a “GOD PERSPECTIVE". First off he made it clear that it was not about me. Second he was like, that is just 1000 people per state or the OSU stadium not even all the way full. This is God doing it not you Lionel. Oh yeah, I felt much better. Before I left Ryan had a CD he told me I needed to listen to. I will load it later but it was a prophetic word from Steve Fish and it had the name “Revelation of Gods Love”. Wow, it rocked my world. I felt he was speaking directly to me. I settled in to what I believed God was telling me and what He planned to accomplish.

I had realized this (Edify Daily) was to start in the United States. So the bottom line was that some how, I had no idea how, but that God was going to have 50,000 people raise up to pray daily for others and send a note card to them on a daily basis. During the next seven days I became ok with this. On the seventh day the LORD spoke to me again and said “phase one”, then He said “ to the nations”. It was funny how the LORD had worked in my heart over the past week. When I heard that I just said, “ok LORD”.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hear and Obey

The LORD had made it clear to me that Edify Daily was about building up the body of Christ. The verse that He brought me to was from Ephesians 4 verses 11-16 . The format that He was showing was we would produce the cards and people would get a set of 23 cards per month (average month has 23 weekdays). They would pray each day and ask God who they were to send the note to. Then, ask the LORD if there was anything specific He wanted them to say in the card. If so, just do it. Hear and speak forth the words the LORD puts on your heart. It was a pretty simple concept.

I was realizing how often I and others hear from the LORD but don’t actually respond or respond fully. Often these are in simple yet very important matters. For example, the LORD puts someone on my heart and I feel like I need to call them. Instead I pray for them but never make the call. Or I am impressed by the LORD to walk over and pray with someone in church but rather than walking over to them, I just pray in my seat. Or the LORD puts it on my heart to give someone $100.00, but I just blow it off.

What does this have to do with Edify Daily or writing note cards. EVERYTHING! Edify Daily is not about writing note cards, it is about putting ourselves in a position of hearing from the LORD and responding. It is about being in the HABIT of daily looking for the opportunities to build others up in the LORD. The writing of the notes helps us do this.

The notes are just the beginning. (I will explain more on this in a later post.)

I obeyed what I was hearing the LORD instruct me to do which was produce the cards. We got the cards and we started writing them. I would find as I would begin praying for the person that often the LORD would give me insight or strange visions for them. Often not knowing what they meant I would not write it. However I would learn later that He was teaching me to just put on paper what He was showing me. It did not have to make sense to me. They will understand now or later. It would be the Holy Spirit working in me and in the person receiving the note.

I would learn to realize that the LORD was really speaking through me to others. God does this on a regular basis. I would get super frustrated because I was hearing the LORD but fearful to act on it. I can’t say that! I was being told to say things that made no sense. The LORD was teaching me to SPEAK INTO PEOPLE LIVES. How awkward this felt. Who am I to speak anything with any authority?

So my notes looked something like this:

This may sound really stupid but as I was praying for you today the LORD showed me a picture of … and explain what He has shown me. I would be amazed as I would get responses back and how it built them up and was right in line with what was going on. Sometimes, I would write the note seal it up then chicken out and say, “I can’t send this”, that is just stupid. Hmmm, wonder what kind of impact it would have had if I just obeyed and did not worry about myself feeling stupid.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Edify Daily Vision part 1

In March of 2005 the LORD had led Kristen (my wife) and myself to make some major decisions that would forever change our lives and the way we viewed ministry and our life on this earth.

In April I started a company called Notes Handwritten as a marketing tool for small businesses. At this point Kristen had quit her corporate job and my job hand ended. Our finances were very low and no money was really coming in. Notes Handwritten was similar to Edify Daily as far as “note cards” go, but used as a marketing tool to help people connect with clients on a personal level. We had been running this business for about 3 months and the LORD said “for ministry”. I was not sure what that meant but assumed Notes Handwritten was also a ministry. By month 5 the LORD had given Kristen a vision of note cards being on the press with ¼ cards for Notes Handwritten and ¾ was a ministry card. We got really excited but did not really know what to do.

As I prayed about the MINISTRY cards and what that would look like the LORD brought the word EDIFY to my mind. I looked up the word as I did not really know the meaning. As I looked it up I learned it means to encourage or build up on a spiritual level. It has the idea of “stickiness” or has a lasting effect not just an emotion that can leave soon. So to edify someone is to say or doing something that builds them up in a spiritual or supernatural way that does not leave them quickly.

As I continued to pray and seek the LORD’s heart on this Edify thing, He made it clear to me that I was to start producing Note cards for the ministry side and not just for business. By this time I was so broke it was just pitiful. But the LORD made it clear that I was to print the cards. The format He showed me at that time was that people would send these cards out on a daily basis to EDIFY the body of Christ. During this season the main things the LORD was teaching us was to TRUST him and to REST in Him.

October 2005 the first Edify Daily card was produced and sent to the printers. That first card was “REST”. The LORD was teaching Kirsten and myself to REST in Him and wait patiently on Him. At the time I was not really doing a very good job at RESTING as I did not know how to or even what it really meant to REST in the LORD. But, He was about to teach us and give a peace like we have never known. I had no idea what would follow but we were in a place that all we could do was to respond to what we knew the LORD was telling us to do.

To be continued…

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A time to prune...

About an hour before dark tonight I decided to prune my four rose bushes in my front yard. I have only done this twice. When I first moved in I wanted to just pull them out and make more parking. Then I decided I would just cut them back some. That first time I cut them back it took almost 3 hours. I started just trimming them then finally ended up hacking them back to almost nothing. I had cut them back so far I thought they would not produce any more roses this year. The LORD really ministered to me during that night. I remember Him saying, “this is what it looks like when you wait too long to cut the junk out of your life”. It gets overwhelming. To my surprise a week later there were a ton of beautiful roses. That was about a month ago.

All those beautiful rose peddles fell off and only the dead heads were left. It was looking pretty ugly. Not as ugly as the first time, but lots off dead stuff taking away the ability for new roses to grow. So, tonight I decided to prune them again. It was much easier this time but I was still amazed at how much needed to be cut off. It was awesome however to see all the new growth. Even though I cut everything back again it took only an hour this time. The first time I cut a bunch of branches that had no life in them at all. This time there were only a few like that.

This was a great reminded of the LORD’s love. He loves us enough to prune our lives. He loves us enough to cut off the dead things that have no value and keep us from growing. We all know it’s painful at times. The more pruning needed the more painful it is. When the pruning is done however, we SEE more clearly, BREATHE more deeply, have more LIFE, have more to GIVE, and our whole COUNTANCE shines brighter. The passage that came to mind is John 15. Below are two versions from verses 1-5.

John 15 NKJV
1 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away;[a] and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

John 15 (Amplified Bible)
1I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. 2Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. 3You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the word which I have given you [the teachings I have discussed with you]. 4Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me. 5I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.

Life is to too short be a deadhead.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life is but a vapor that appears for a little while...

This past week was pretty wild for my family. Monday about 2:00 AM I woke with an incredible stomach ache. It seems like nothing would get rid of it except to vomit. That happened about every ten minutes until about 7:30. Finally I woke Kristen & had her take me to the ER. They never really found the problem. I was pretty much out of it all day Monday though.

Thursday evening after a concert at our church my son Caleb was in a car accident that should have cost him his life. I don’t understand other than God’s grace and protective hand that he walked away with only 50 stitches in his head, broken nose, and other minor cuts and bruises. Was a long night and an interesting few days that followed. Something like this causes you to rethink your life and the way we spend it.

It has caused me to think that if he was to have died what would my last day, week, month or year looked like with him. How much time did I spend with him? How much time did I spend edifying my own son? Sometimes it is easy to pour into others and we neglect our family. It might be easy to point out and find strengths in others and we take the time to write them a note or look for creative ways to build them up and strengthen them. We wait on the LORD and listen to His voice and do our best to move in obedience and not in fear. This is what Edify Daily is all about. I will continue to move in the LORD’s leading but I have had to rethink how I pour into my own family. I encourage you to do the same.

A verse that kept speaking to me the day after the accident was that our life is but a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes away. We don’t know when our life will end on this earth or the life of someone we love. I encourage you this week to think on your family; pray for them. Consider any broken relationships or areas of bitterness that may have set in. Maybe someone you need to forgive or receive forgiveness. I exhort you to pray for your family this week and ask God if that note or something more should go to them.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Abide in My Love

Today I am in Arlington Texas enjoying the power and peace of our Holy Father. The Lord met me early this morning as I got into the word of God. I have been reading through the gospel of John and was in chapter 15 today. I have read this many times, but today was different. When I got to verse 9 the LORD stopped me. As I read the verse the Holy Spirit just shot this young girl (who I know very well) into my mind. I was stopped and could not go on. What are you saying LORD? The verse is clear enough, but why did He put her on my mind so quickly. I don’t know. I just began praying for her and all that the Father had for her. It was clear I was suppose to write this to her in a note. I don’t normally spend this much time but for about 35 to 45 minutes I prayed for my sweet sister in Christ. I was just overwhelmed in the Spirit. I wrote the note with the words on my heart for her. Later in the afternoon I dropped it in the mail. WOW – Seems simple. But it is not. The LORD spoke directly to me. That alone is powerful and needs to be cherished and taken very seriously. Second, I am SURE He is speaking to her as well and will continue to do so as this card shows up at her home.

Thank you Jesus! You are full of Grace and Mercy. Your love for us go far beyond our comprehension. I receive your LOVE!
I encourage you to pray that today. Tell Jesus “I receive your LOVE”.

Feel free to respond below by clicking "COMMENTS" if the LORD has something on your heart or if you want to share anything the LORD is doing specifically. Please don’t be specific with names.
I am praying for you all daily.

Monday, September 29, 2008

October 2008 - Let's see what the LORD does

Here is the basis of what we will be doing in October. 40 people have all received a box of Edify Daily note cards. There are enough (few extras) for every weekday of October. Each day, simply pull a card out and ask God who this should be sent to. Maybe you already know. Then take some time and pray specifically for this person. While praying for them ask the LORD if there is anything specific He wants to show you. Take time to wait on the LORD to speak to you. It may be that the LORD gives you a certain scripture, maybe a vision or a prophetic word. It is possible that during this time that God will wake you with a dream. Be open to the Spirit. I have prayed sometimes for a person and just can’t do anything but weep. I don’t know why, but The LORD is breaking me for this person. Just ask the LORD if there is something particular He would have you to say in the note.

Sometimes it seems odd to write the thing that God has put on your heart. Remember, you really do not know what is going on in the deep parts of a persons soul in most cases, but HE does. He will use you to speak things that you may have no knowledge of. Just be obedient. Sometimes I have said “this may seem odd and I don’t really understand it but, while praying for you the LORD showed me a picture of… or brought my attention to this scripture” or what ever. The key is to respond to the LORD. In many cases it might just be a note letting the person know they were on your heart and that you are praying for them. Remember these are NOTES not letters. Don’t feel like you have to write a lot of stuff.

Do this daily (we are doing all the weekdays in October - 23 days). Not that you can’t do it on other days as well. However, PLEASE write ONE a day. The temptation will be to write 5 in one day and none the rest of the week. It changes things up. There is something powerful about getting into a habit of pouring into others on a daily basis. I know to write 5 in a day is awesome but this is what the LORD has put on my heart and I am following. There are 5 different card styles in your box. Just use what ever one you desire. Don’t make it a big deal though, just send the cards.

Here are a few tips:
Keep your cards close. If you do not have stamps go get them today. (Keep them with your cards) If you leave town, just take enough with you to still write them on the road. I will be in Texas from the 1st till the 5th. I will be sending my cards from there during that time. Try to do it the same time everyday. Morning always works best for me. Send them to anyone the LORD put on your heart regardless of where they live in this world. Hand write the address. It is much more personal. I do print return labels but handwrite the person I am mailing to.

OK – That is it. Each day or every other day I will be posting on this blog. I will be telling the story as to how this has come about and the vision God has given me concerning building up the body of Christ.

We will start ALL TOGETHER on the October 1st. 40 cards will go out on that day to Edify those God puts on our hearts. Who will you mail the first one to?

Here is what was said of Job in Job chapter 4:3-4
You have strengthened the weak hands. Your words have upheld him who was stumbling, and you have strengthened the feeble knees:…

Proverbs 11:25 – The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.